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Angličtina - Book review - Jaro na jídelním lístku
Autor: Martina Motejlková
I am going to talk about a book called Jaro na jídelním lístku. The original title of the book is Springtime on the menu. The book is deviated into different stories. It was published by the Doubleday in 1927a as the 6540 edition. The book has 296 pages.
This book was written by O-Henry, his own name William Sydney Porter.
He was born in
His father was a doctor. O-Henry had a many jobs for example he worked as a banker as or a chemist.
He issued a magazine The Rolling Stone.
He was imprisoned and he began to write book there. He wrote about 600 stories. His stories are about people and their life\ s.
He wrote: Cabbages and Kings - Prezidenti a palmy
The Four Million - Čtyři miliony
Heart of the West - Srdce západu
The Voice of the City- Hlas velkoměsta
Roads Destiny - Cesty osudu
The first stories is Jaro na jídelním lístku. The main charakter are Sara and Walter.
Sara- is young girl, she is very working and nice and beautiful
Walter - he is farmer, he is very working and clever,
Sara rented a room in a house next to the restaurant. She has a lunch there every day. Once she took a bad menu and she did make new better menu on her typewriter. When she gave the new menu to the boos of the restaurant he gave her a job. She was writing menus for each days. And she got a meal for work every day. When the spring came Sara was thinking of the last summer. When she feel in love with a farmer Walter and they were going to get married this spring. He was supposed to came to
The second story is Fikus story. The main charakter is fikus.
Fikus is very interesting flower, he was sad because he lost his favourite owner.
It is a story about a fikus which lived in
In my opinion the book is funny but sometimes too lengthy. There are a lot of descriptions. I like the book because the writer is talking about a common life.
But some of his stories are a bit confusing and senseless