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Angličtina - Our environment 2006 (short version)

Autor: Martina Motejlková

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Traffic Pollution – in big cities, cars and buses have polluted the air.

Many people in cities now have very bad health problems.


Factory Pollution – Factories have also polluted the land and the water.

As a result, many rivers and lakes are polluted. (Destroyed)


The ozone layer – Around the Earth, there is a special type of oxygen called ozone (O3) Ozone is important because it stops ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Many aerosol sprays and factories destroy ozone and they have made a very big hole it the ozone layer.  This means that too much ultraviolet radiation now enters Earth.

This is very dangerous because it can cause cancer.


More carbon dioxide – Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased a lot.

CO2 comes from burning oil, coal and wood. This has formed a blanket around the Earth.

The heat from the sun cannot escape and so the temperature is rising (the greenhouses effect). This means that the level of the sea is rising and the climate is changing.


Fewer trees – all over the world, people have cut down millions and million of trees.

As a result, many types of animals and plants are now disappearing.

Trees are also important because they help to produce oxygen and control the climate.



Hope for the future

These problems are very serious for our future, but we can do something now.

In many places they have already taken action to improve the environmental.

Many countries now use the wind, the sun and the sea to make electricity.

In some cities, for example, you cannot drive your car on certain days.

In other places they use electric cars and buses. There are also many other things we can do. To reduce traffic pollution, we can.